1. Why are people racist? | Australian Human Rights Commission
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Understand the roots of racism and its impact on society. Learn why people hold racist attitudes and how to combat them.
2. Everything I Want to Do Is Racist | by Chris Newman - Medium
Sep 4, 2020 · That letter, combined with Joel's even more appalling denial of systemic racism and racist, fact-free commentary on Black fatherhood in an email ...
How America’s favorite farmer lost his way.
3. When the Racist is Someone You Know and Love... - EmbraceRace
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What we allow will continue. What continues will escalate.
4. 'Not Racist' Is Not Enough: Putting In The Work To Be Anti-Racist - NPR
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Even white supremacists don't like to be called racist. That's why, NPR's Eric Deggans says, "not racist" doesn't feel like quite enough. In this episode, he walks us through steps to being anti-racist — in other words, ways you can continually strive to undo racism in your world and within yourself.
5. I Wanna be Like You: Racial Coding in Disney's The Jungle Book
Dec 12, 2017 · Disney intentionally makes the black characters search for civilization to reiterate the racist notion that whites are more civilized than ...
The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, or as you’ve heard UNESCO, released a series of essays in response to leftover Nazi Racism, along with other more PG forms of biological racism. UNESCO published these essays with help from big names like Claude Levi-Strauss and Morris Ginsberg in 1950 and intended to distribute them across the United Nations. The main point of the essays went like this, “The biological fact of race and the myth of “race” should be distinguished. For all practical social purposes “race” is not so much a biological phenomenon as a social myth”(The Race Question). The problem they directly addressed is gone. We (hopefully) aren’t swayed too much by Nazi propaganda or signs saying “No Colored Allowed” as they really don’t exist anymore, at least where people reading this article would reside. What fucks things up now is culture. Culture and entertainment are the new ways in which the world creates and displays racial ideas. Races are assigned characteristics, stereotypes and more sinister tags through their portrayals in movies, TV and radio. But it’s not minstrel shows and blatant racism either. It’s the unnoticeable, subtle ways that non-white characters are shown in superficially harmless media. And likely to your dismay, Disney movies are an absolute case study on the subtle depictions that give people the hostile ideas about race that are currently tearing our country apart. Disney’s The Jungle Book, although widely...
6. Dear White People: Wanna DM Me on the Latest Racist Outrage? Read ...
Apr 29, 2021 · In other words, they're making it about them by dumping their worries and insecurities over racism on me. Whether it was the racial uprisings of ...
Every time there's a big news story involving racism, my alerts blow up. Here's what people say, and what I say back.
7. Why I don't call people racist (even when they are) - Shoes Off
Sep 13, 2020 · Whilst there's a lot of education to be done on what racism is, calling someone a racist is usually anything but educational and will almost ...
When you hear a racist comment or remark, it can be quick and almost automatic to want to call it out. But in these situations, using the dreaded “R” word can often turn the conversation sour, so here’s why I’m no longer calling people racist, even when they say racist things.
8. Dear Brown Girl: Proximity-To-Whiteness Does Not ... - EmbraceRace
Racist stuff will happen to you, and you will not want to face it alone. Your white friends will be able to choose whether to see racism and see your pain, and ...
Divya Kumar reflects on her childhood being brown in a white community and how her experiences have informed what she wants for her children.
9. Help, I'm a Racist and I Don't Want to Be - The Root
Jul 3, 2013 · "I'm a racist, and I don't want to be. I'm a white man in my very early 40s, and for years I've been extremely awkward and anxious around African Americans, ...
(The Root) —
10. Being Antiracist | National Museum of African American History and Culture
When we choose to be antiracist, we become actively conscious about race and racism and take actions to end racial inequities in our daily lives. Being ...
No one is born racist or antiracist; these result from the choices we make. Being antiracist results from a conscious decision to make frequent, consistent, equitable choices daily. These choices require ongoing self-awareness and self-reflection as we move through life. In the absence of making antiracist choices, we (un)consciously uphold aspects of white supremacy, white-dominant culture, and unequal institutions and society. Being racist or antiracist is not about who you are; it is about what you do.
11. E25: Do What You Wanna (w/ Ruby Tandoh) - Racist Sandwich
Apr 6, 2017 · Racist Sandwich. The Racist Sandwich podcast serves up a perspective you don't often hear: food – how we consume, create and interpret it ...
The theme of this episode is food and all the ways people use it to mess with us. Well, it’s about a bit more than that, but that’s the gist of it. First, Soleil and Zahir chat about the Great Kimchi Incident of 2017 and the high psychological price of getting good chai in Portland. (“How do they drink chai in the Far East, Zahir?”) Then Soleil gets on the phone with food writer and British baking genius to discuss her upcoming mental health zine, the toxicity of wellness culture, and the healing power of food writing. Produced by Juan Ramirez. Music by AF the Naysayer, Blue Dot Sessions, Alimony Hustle and The Rebirth Brass Band.
12. [PDF] Examples of Racial Microaggressions
Denial of individual racism. A statement made when Whites deny their racial biases. “I'm not a racist. I have several Black friends.” “As a woman, I know what ...
13. Understanding Racial Terms and Differences
Mar 11, 2021 · Understanding Racial Terms and Differences. Definition of Racism. March 11, 2021.
March 11, 2021 by Juanita Mcleod